Docker testing templatesΒΆ

Docker compose templates are provided in the following repository:

Using the docker templates allows you to create a full pre-configured Kafka environment with docker, just in 30 seconds.


  • Zookeeper cluster (3 nodes)
  • Kafka broker cluster (3 nodes)
  • Kafka connect cluster (1 node, can be extended up to 3 or more with additional config)
  • Confluent schema-registry
  • Confluent kafka-rest
  • Confluent ksql-server
  • Kafka Xinfra SLA monitor container
  • Telegraf container polling and sending to your Splunk metric store
  • Yahoo Kafka Manager
  • Confluent Interceptor console collector
  • Kafka Burrow Consumer lag Monitoring

Start the template, have a very short coffee (approx. 30 sec), open Splunk, install the Metrics workspace app and observe the magic happening !
