Deployment & Upgrades

Deployment matrix

Splunk roles required
Search head yes
Indexer tiers no

If Splunk search heads are running in Search Head Cluster (SHC), the Splunk application must be deployed by the SHC deployer.

Indexes creation


  • Kafka SDM expects the creation of a metric index, by default telegraf_kafka which can be configured by customizing the macro telegraf_kafka_index
  • If you use Confluent interceptors, the application expects the creation of a metric index confluent_interceptor_metrics which can be configured by customizing the macro confluent_interceptor_index


The application depends on:

Initial deployment

The deployment of the Splunk application for Kafka monitoring with Telegraf is straight forward:

  • Using the application manager in Splunk Web (Settings / Manages apps)
  • Extracting the content of the tgz archive in the “apps” directory of Splunk
  • For SHC configurations (Search Head Cluster), extract the tgz content in the SHC deployer and publish the SHC bundle


Upgrading the Splunk application is pretty much the same operation than the initial deployment.

Upgrades of the components

Upgrading the different components (Telegraf, Jolokia, etc.) rely on each of the technologies, please consult the deployment main pages.